Students counseling cell

The students counseling cell in the college is an avid place with full of life, nourishing the needs of all the students and get them physically and emotionally fit beyond the world of academics. With the skill sets such as life philosophy, human values, Leadership, Morality, decision-making, active listening and a lot more coupled with confidentiality are some major attributes of our student counselors. As Dr. Abdul Kalam rightly said, “Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident” we at Dhanraj Baid Jain College provide constant counseling for the students in gratifying their basic day to day life subjects. Under the guidance of Prof. Arthi Mohan, Student counselor of the college and Ph.D. research Scholar in psychology, dedicated team of counselors work for the upliftment of the student fraternity.

Objectives of students counseling
  • Helps the students to succeed in their society.
  • Helps to solve their problems.
  • Helps to know about themselves better
  • Helps to improve their thinking abilities and attitudes
  • Helps to improve mental health and improve their personality
Students Counseling activities
  • Recurring Parent teacher meeting to address the students’needs compassionately.
  • Systematic discussion sessions among the faculty and students for transparency.
  • Addressing common student problems like depression, alcoholic addiction, anxiety, lack of concentration, focus, relationships with family and friends, unhealthy lifestyle, women care, unethical practices etc. on holistic level.
  • Consistent follow up to ensure strengthening the performance of the students.
  • Providing students with complete liberty and trust to discuss with the counselor about any kind of tribulations they encounter.
  • Medical counseling is done in association with Apollo shine hospitals for the awareness of everyday medical issues such as diet, healthy lifestyle, Women’s good life etc. (A Medical facility is also run by the Apollo shine hospitals inside the campus)
  • Periodic seminars, workshops, trainings are conducted to endorse student’s mental well-being.
  • The pupils can walk-in at any time during the college work hours and can approach the counselors